Toddler Program

18-36 months

Our Budding Explorers learn new vocabulary and self-help skills. Teachers encourage the children to express their thoughts and needs. The adult’s role is not to teach, but to observe and reflect on what the toddlers are experiencing and how they learn—and then to support the process through interactions, their relationship with the child, and provision of experiences in an environment that contributes to the child’s success.

In Toddler care, the goal for adults is to discover how infants are making sense of the world around them. Closed, informed observation will tell the adult how and what the toddler is learning. Support plans are developed and implemented based on the continued observations that the teacher makes which take into account the child’s strengths, needs, and interests.

Teachers communicate regularly with parents by way of weekly and, in some cases, daily notes. Our staff are always eager to listen to the information parents have to share about their child. Parents are also offered the opportunity to have a parent-teacher conference each fall, winter or spring. Our classrooms are clean and well-equipped with all learning materials strategically placed so that they are accessible to children when needed. This helps us to ensure that ample time is provided for your child’s self-directed work and play in the classroom.

Kiddee Korner provides a secure and inviting physical environment within which toddlers are free to move about, explore materials, exercise creativity, and solve problems. Each child’s individual schedule is anchored around a primary caregiver who strives to understand the child’s individual temperament and assists with smooth transitions between segments. Having this caregiver as a “home base” provides the very young child with a sense of security while away from home.


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